About Us

Helping Small Companies Do More Business

The Printing Place

The Desktop Publishers was founded in 2001, not too long after 9/11. It was later organized as a sole-proprietor in 2005.

If you remember those days, they gave troublesome times for small businesses and entrepreneurs. People were not buying things because of uncertian times and lack of jobs.

The DTP’s mission was to help small companies market their businesses at very reasonable costs and to help spur the economy toward growth again.

It continues on that journey today.

The Website Place

Our companion site for Website services, Inphase Website Hosting & Design, was published in 2005.

Our website services were established to answer requests from several of our print clients to help them market their business online. Since it is all the same company, we have the same mission and goals which are to help small businesses, churches, and individual entrepreneurs market their products and services on the Web at reduced costs.

What We Do

Design service

We will work with you on any design project: either for print or Web.


print service

We can help you on all your printing needs: either long or short-run jobs.


Web service

Build your own site for free, or we will do it for you at very low cost.


Print Products or
Website Services

Helping You Build Your Business Off and On-line

Print or Web


High Park Village
Arlington, Texas

Call Us

(817) 861-0985


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